Thursday, August 5, 2010

Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself

most of us often suffer from at least one of these illness: Colds or viruses each year, allergic reaction or hay fever, Extra pounds that won't come off, hard to sleep at the night, Recurrent indigestion, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome, Itchy skin, acne, or any other troubling skin condition, Depression, anxiety, or frequent fatigue
If you were to look for medical advice for any of the above, you would likely be prescribed pills, topical lotions, injections, or even surgery. Such handlings methods are used to manage the symptoms and do not solve the root of the problem. Too often, doctors treat these common ailments as inevitable costs of living a modern life. The result is a patchwork approach to health care that has become the norm.
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